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Today the House of Commons will be considering the changes made to the Health and Care Bill by the House of Lords. The workforce amendment, which is part of the 10-year Cancer Plan, is supported by the cancer community and over 100 health organisations in total, including Action Kidney Cancer.
The Health and Care Bill passed its third reading in the House of Lords on 23 March, and it comes back to the House of Commons this afternoon for them to consider the Lord’s amendments. In parliament, this is called “ping pong”. It might be difficult to pass this amendment with the Government’s majority and considering the current political environment. However, with the large number of organisations supporting the amendment and almost 9,000 emails sent to MPs we have a chance to get the bill through parliament.
If the amendment fails in the Commons, the Health and Care Bill will go back to the Lords next week, where we hope it will be pushed again (ping-pong!).
See the letter from the Royal College of Physicians to the Prime Minister here along with their briefing document and the list of supporting organisations, including Action Kidney Cancer
Also here is an article published in the Mail Online this morning
Here is the One Cancer Voice 10 Year Cancer Pan Consensus Statement 29.03.22 and the Macmillan Briefing Health and Care Bill, for your information.