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The latest results from the 2022 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) were published on 20th July 2023.
In total 61,268 people (aged 16+) responded to the survey, a response rate of 53%. In summary, the survey reported the following:
- On a scale of 0 (very poor) to 10 (very good), the average rating of care was 8.88
- 86.7% of patients said the administration of their care was good or very good
- 91.5% of patients said they had a main contact person within the team looking after them who would support them through treatment
- 71.1% of patients said that before their treatment started, they had a discussion with a member of the team looking after them about their needs or concerns
- 65.4% of patients who had contacted their GP practice said that the referral for diagnosis was explained in a way they could completely understand
- 44.6% of patients who said their GP practice was involved in their care while they were having treatment said they got the right amount of information and support from staff at their GP surgery
- 75.9% of patients said that when they were first told that they had cancer, they had been given the option of having a family member, carer or friend with them
- 59.0% of patients said the possible long-term side effects, including the impact on their day-to-day activities, were definitely explained in a way they could understand
- 62.4% of patients said they were given enough information about the possibility of the cancer coming back or spreading, such as what to look out for and what to do if they had concerns
- 78.5% of patients said they had confidence and trust in all of the team looking after them
- 79.3% of patients said they were definitely involved as much as they wanted to be in decisions about treatment options.
The following diagram summarises the main findings from the survey: Headline infographic
Here is an easy read report written for patients: Easy read report
If you would like more information, please take a look at the interactive dashboard which contains all the reports for the 2022 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey.
Please email us if you have any questions about this survey.