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The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the latest data on cancer survival in England for both adults and children, presented by stage of disease at diagnosis and followed up to 2016. Both one- and five-year survival data are presented, and ten-year survival data for some cancers.
One-year survival was highest for melanoma of the skin in both men (97.1 per cent) and women (98.5 per cent), while five-year survival was highest for testicular cancer in men (95.9 per cent) and melanoma of the skin in women (93.9 per cent).
For kidney cancer, one-year survival was the same for both men and women at 76.6%, while five-year survival was slightly higher for women at 62% and 60.2% for men.
The proportion of men and women diagnosed with kidney cancer at each stage was similar and the overall survival was nearly the same (77.7% for men and 78.8% for women in 2015). There was not much difference in survival between stages 1 to 3 (97.3% for stage 1, 88.4 % for stage 3), but worse for those diagnosed at stage 4 (34.1% for women, 39.3% for men). The numbers of new kidney cancers have been rising, which may be because they are picked up when people have scans for other illnesses. These cancers are often small and can be effectively treated, so the overall survival has been rising steadily over time.
The organisation responsible for gathering and analysing the data is the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS), which is part of Public Health England (PHE). The data are published in partnership with the ONS.