Help sheets

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As the largest and most active community of kidney cancer patients, carers and family members in the UK, we hold a massive amount of real world information about living with kidney cancer that hundreds of patients and carers have shared with us over many years. These patient-generated resources are so valuable because we know that patients are experts at living with kidney cancer.

Our help sheets are not edited or approved by clinicians, nurses or health care professionals. They are a means of sharing patient knowledge, personal insights and experiences of living with kidney cancer in the hope it will improve the lives of others. The content of this website was made possible using the knowledge, experiences and kind donations from our community and our fundraisers.

Please get in touch with us if you are a patient or a carer, and you have an interest in a particular topic associated with kidney cancer that you would like to share.

Disclaimer: Our website provides general information only, and none of the information contained within our site shall be deemed to constitute medical advice in any way. You should seek appropriate medical advice or guidance from your oncologist or health care team in relation to any medical condition.

If you would like to write a help sheet
based on your experience, please email us.


Questions to ask your surgeon/clinician prior to surgery

Going into hospital for surgery?

Changing TKI dosage strength and/or cycle frequency

TKI side effects in the mouth

Sore hands and feet on TKIs

Patient survey: TKI treatment and diarrhoea

Waiting times for cancer

Personalised cancer medicine


What is a hospice

Employment rights

Travel insurance for kidney cancer patients

Kidney cancer diet and nutrition: A guide for patients and their families

A guide to a ‘proper’ diet with ‘appropriate’ supplements

Can kidney cancer patients be vaccinated for COVID-19?

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